Thirunavukkarasu Sivasubramaniam
3 min readOct 23, 2020

Gomukhasana: Meaning, Steps, Benefits


Gomukhasana is an ancient yoga pose. It is a seated yoga pose used as an exercise. Its immense popularity is due to its multiple health benefits. It is also used for meditation, but very rarely. This pose has been practiced traditionally for more than two thousand years.

Gomukhasana Meaning

The term Gomukhasana is the combination of three Sanskrit words: Go, Mukha, and Asana. Go means cow. Mukha means mouth. But in Tamil, Mukha means Face. Asana means Pose. Hence it means Cow Face Pose.

On perfect performance, the pose looks like the face or mouth of a cow, especially the crossed legs look like the mouth of a cow. This is why this posture is called Cow-Face-Pose.

Gomukhasana step-by-step Procedure

Safety and Precautions

It is contraindicated in conditions like lumbago, hernia, pregnancy, and cervical spondylosis.

In Cow Face Pose, the muscles around the knees are stretched. Hence those who are having ailments in the knee should avoid this posture.

Furthermore, In Cow Face Pose, the muscles around the knees are stretched. Hence those who are having ailments in the knee also should avoid this posture.

If you have any injury or disorder of the shoulder or neck or back, you should avoid Cow Face Pose.

Gomukhasana Preparatory Poses

To learn easily and to get perfection in this pose, one should practice the following preparatory poses.

Gomukhasana steps

  1. Sit with your legs stretched out
  2. Bend the left leg and bring the foot under the right hip
  3. Bend the right leg over the left leg and draw it towards the left hip
  4. Keep the right knee on the left one
  5. Without raising, bend the left hand behind and bring the palm up
  6. Raise the right hand, bend down to reach the left palm, and clasp
  7. Hold it in that position and close your eyes
  8. Breath slowly. Sit in this position to the extent possible

Cow Face Pose Duration

The modern version of Cow Face Pose is not suitable for meditation. This is because we could not extend the duration for longer periods. Two to three minutes is enough. For beginners, it may be around 30 seconds to one minute.

However, the classical version of Cow Face Pose can be performed for longer periods which can be up to three hours.

Gomukhasana Follow-up Poses

After performing the practice of Cow Face Pose, one should resort to the practice of any one of the poses mentioned below.

Gomukhasana Benefits

The following benefits of Cow Face Pose are the reasons for its immense popularity.

  • The Pose gives flexibility to ankles, knees, thigh muscles, hips, shoulder joints, armpit, and arm joints.
  • It stretches and tones up the muscles of the chest.
  • This pose enhances renal activity.
  • It is good for Type II diabetes.
  • This posture prevents and helps in sexual disorders
  • It helps in the conditions of lower back issues like sciatica
  • This pose can be used for Meditation also
  • It activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System and helps drive out stress and anxiety.
  • Cow Face Pose is good for conditions like stiff shoulders and frozen arms.

This article on Gomukhasana was published in Classic Yoga